Monday, 13 February 2012

Social Issue: Corporal Punishment

It is a form of punishment inflicted on body or in simple words physical punishment. This punishment could be on the domestic scale, in school or by permission of the court.  However, this technique of punishment is often censured at the domestic, school or social level but still this practice has housed in our society.

People who believe in corporal punishment has a notion that through this they can deter the faults, as fear of punishment would alert the victim and he or she will not indulge in wrong doings. This is the reason why teachers at school and parents often thrash their child by slapping or sometimes they even make use of belts, sticks, slippers etc.  Also, when children do not comprehend what their parents and teachers say, the latter is left with no other option to make the former understand in a better way than this. This mode is considered as the best way to instill discipline in a culprit.

However, this mode of punishment can make the child or a culprit more obstinate and sometimes when they receive regular thrashing they become habitual and so even the thrashing doesn't have any effect on them.  Sometimes, the culprit inducts the feeling of rage and becomes fiercer.  Also, it lowers the confidence and self-respect of the victim which leaves a negative impact. Many times corporal punishment is smeared unnecessarily and the sufferer is victimized without any fault.

Such activities should be undertaken in rare or extreme cases when the individual is not able to figure out the scenario even after trying different approaches. Physical punishment should be the last option to make someone understand.

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